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Archive for Januar, 2012

Gegen ACTA – wenn das Internet überleben soll! Kommentare deaktiviert für Gegen ACTA – wenn das Internet überleben soll!

Seit gut zwei Jahren wird ein Abkommen mit dem Namen ACTA verhandelt. Es wird durch die beteiligten Parteien im GEheimen vorangetrieben. Die Auswirkungen werden uns alle betreffen!

Mehr Information auf stopp-acta.info
und in diesem Video.

Jetzt ist die Zeit, die E-Petition zu unterzeichnen: E-Petition

Was ist ACTA?

PCFreak mentioned at HAK5 podcast Kommentare deaktiviert für PCFreak mentioned at HAK5 podcast

My opinion always is and was „Give the internet something back“, so I decided to write to feedback@hak5.org and tell them about the tool I wrote to fix the LNK-File problem. See also my previous article „Release the explorer handbrake„.

I was very impressed when I got back the email from Darren telling me:

> Dude thanks so much for sending this by it’s awesome. I’ll be
> featuring it on an upcoming show. I used to always run into that
> problem when I was a sysadmin. Hated XP for that. You’re doing a great
> service to everyone :)…

So here it is, he read my mail on the Hak5 podcast. Thank you HAK5 for taking my post.
Take a look at 03m36s.

Link: HAK5 podcast episode 1018.1 at 03m36s

Warning wallpaper for administrative users Kommentare deaktiviert für Warning wallpaper for administrative users

I liked the idea of having a „bomb“ as wallpaper if a user has administrative rights to show the user: „Be careful what you do!“.
I saw this on some linux distributions when you logged on to the X-Server as user „root“ you get bombs as wallpaper to remind you about your responsiblity.

I created a small AutoIT Script that includes a wallpaper image of a „bomb“. When executed it checks:

  1. Has the user administrative rights?
    If so, we set the „bomb“ wallpaper and exit
  2. If the user has no administrative rights (maybe if UAC is turned on)
    we check if the user is member of the group with the SID S-1-5-32-544.
    This is the representation of the localized Administrators group.
    If the user is a member of this group we also set the „bomb“!

To setup this eg. on a server machine, just place the executable in the autostart folder for „All Users“ and logon. If one of the 2 checks applies you will see a „bomb“ as wallpaper. The wallpaper is set per user.

A great challenge was to get the name of the local administrators group via the SID to make sure this program will work on any localized version of windows, too. The source code is included. Use the program at your own risk!

Downloadlink: bomb_wallpaper_for_admins (with UAC).zip